
Showing posts from June, 2016

Key Benefits Of Structural Foam Molding

Structural foam molding is a widely used low pressure injection molding process in which an inert gas is injected into melted polymer for the purpose of reducing weight and density of the end product while enhancing its strength. The lower pressure and forces involved in the process allow more economical molding equipment to be utilized resulting into high productivity of very large parts or producing multiple parts on a single machine in a single cycle comparatively lower price in comparison to the conventional injection molding. The structural foam injection molding process utilizes a molten resin that has been injected with a chemical blowing agent or nitrogen gas. This blend is then injected into the mold, where the gas or the agent expands and efficiently fills the mold with foam. The surface cells collapse, when the foam flows through the mold, producing solid skins against the walls of the mold. The core of the part remains structurally foamed.  The overall weight...

Plastic Molding Finishes for a Trendy Look

Plastic Injection Molding is an important industry with many modern machinery, products and appliances, making use of plastic molding fixtures with the help of plastic injection moldmaking . These parts are easy to replace, fit into cavities and also render a lightweight feel to the product they are used in. So let us talk about the industries that make use of such fixtures and fittings.  - Glasses and Optics: Have you looked closely at the glares you wear or the glasses that help you concentrate on your work better, in case you are suffering from poor vision? You will find tiny plastic molding, which act as the screws that hold the main frame and the hands together for a convenient swiping motion. Also, these screws are fixed into the tiny cavities that are often created with a process called plastic injection moldmaking or die casting. - Furniture: Currently, there are many kinds of flexible wood furniture like rubber wood varieties that use this kind of molding so...